Spice Up Your Warm-Up
Warm-up fatigue is a real thing. So if you’re dealing with seasoned workshop participants, it takes something new to surprise them. Why not try one of these new questions? They work perfectly fine in a remote setting (e.g. Google Jamboard, Skype Whiteboard or Mural)
The Genie in a Bottle
Aks your participants: If you had three wishes, what would they be?
The Time machine
If you could go back in time, which period would you go to?
Or use the alternative: If you could meet anyone from the past, who would you like to meet, and why?
The Superpowers
What’s your superpower? And what skill do you bring to the team?
And as a funny exercise (not only) for digital natives:
GIF tournament
Pick a phrase. For example: Let the cat out of the bag
Tip: GIPHY has a great selection of GIFs
(Let the participants vote which one they prefer)