How Casper uses AI to create a bot for insomniacs
The story
Mattress company Casper is not just a start-up selling mattresses. The start-up’s vision is based around the entire culture of sleep. That’s why they launched a free chatbot specifically for insomniacs. It’s called Insomnobot3000 and works via texting from your phone.
The idea behind
According to Casper’s s head of communication, they wanted to make a bot “that made 3 a.m. less lonely”. Through many iterations, they discovered that customers are most vulnerable in the middle of the night, awake while the world is sleeping—a real chance to create something special for their customers.
How they used AI
Through testing and interviews, they discovered which late-night topics keep people up. The team then built a wide range of responses and used algorithms to create a bot (yet no machine learning unfortunately), who’s patiently and friendly, chatting with insomniac customers.
The hidden benefit
Phone numbers. Which in turn offers the company a way to inform customers about promotions. And most likely, due to a pleasant experience with the bot won’t be perceived the same way as any other promotional text.
Source: Insomnobot3000